aiohttp ClientSession 用法踩坑

一般是这么用的: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as ses: res = await text = await res.text() xxx 没有问题 但是为了减少缩进,可能想这样封装一下: class HTTP: @staticmethod async def post(*args, **kwargs): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as ses: return await*args, **kwargs) 这是有问题的,with 上下文之后会关闭session的连接和资源,如果payload比较大,在连接关闭之后还没读完的话,可能会卡在await ses.text()那里,导致超时 所以需要在上下文关闭之前就把内容读取完毕并返回。 可以这样: class HTTP: @staticmethod async def post(*args, **kwargs): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as ses: async with await*args, **kwargs) as res: return res, await res.text() 或者这样: class HTTP: @classmethod async def get(cls, *args, **kargs): await cls....

September 1, 2020 · 1 min · Egbert Ke

问题记录:Python 协程相关

import asyncio import multiprocessing q = multiprocessing.Queue(10000) for i in range(100): q.put(i) async def coro(i): print('coro... {}'.format(i)) async def device_video_main(j): loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() for i in range(5): asyncio.ensure_future(coro(j), loop=loop) # await asyncio.sleep(1) async def run_integrate(): while True: j = q.get() print('j: ', j) if True: loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() coro = device_video_main(j) loop.create_task(coro) # asyncio.ensure_future(coro, loop=loop) # await asyncio.sleep(1) # print(loop.is_running()) # async def main(): # loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() # for i in range(3): # asyncio....

May 14, 2020 · 1 min · Egbert Ke

asyncio.sleep 和 time.sleep 的区别

time.sleep是针对整个线程,整个线程会挂起,不再执行任何操作。 asyncio.sleep是针对当前协程而言,告诉事件循环:请去执行别的操作,相当于模拟了一次网络IO,不会阻塞其他协程的执行。 import time import asyncio async def hello(): print('Hello ...') await asyncio.sleep(5) # time.sleep(5) print('... World!') async def main(): await asyncio.gather(hello(), hello()) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) 运行结果: Hello ... Hello ... ... World! ... World! import time import asyncio async def hello(): print('Hello ...') # await asyncio.sleep(5) time.sleep(5) print('... World!') async def main(): await asyncio.gather(hello(), hello()) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() loop.run_until_complete(main()) 运行结果: Hello ... ... World! Hello ... ... World!

May 10, 2020 · 1 min · Egbert Ke

SQLAlchemy中常见的query filter

equals query.filter( == 'leela') not equals: query.filter( != 'leela') LIKE query.filter('%leela%')) IN query.filter(['leela', 'akshay', 'santanu'])) # works with query objects too: query.filter('%santanu%')))) NOT IN query.filter(['lee', 'sonal', 'akshay'])) IS NULL filter( == None) IS NOT NULL filter( != None) AND from sqlalchemy import and_ filter(and_( == 'leela', User.fullname == 'leela dharan')) #or, default without and_ method comma separated list of conditions are AND filter( == 'leela', User.fullname == 'leela dharan') # or call filter()/filter_by() multiple times filter(User....

December 8, 2019 · 1 min · Egbert Ke

Python 在CSV文件中写入中文字符

对于UTF-8编码,Excel要求BOM(字节顺序标记)写在文件的开始,否则它会假设这是ANSI编码,这个就是与locale有依赖性了。 Python2 #!python2 #coding:utf8 import csv data = [[u'American',u'美国人'], [u'Chinese',u'中国人']] with open('results.csv','wb') as f: f.write(u'\ufeff'.encode('utf8')) w = csv.writer(f) for row in data: w.writerow([item.encode('utf8') for item in row]) Python3 #!python3 #coding:utf8 import csv data = [[u'American',u'美国人'], [u'Chinese',u'中国人']] with open('results.csv','w',newline='',encoding='utf-8-sig') as f: w = csv.writer(f) w.writerows(data) unicodecsv #!python2 #coding:utf8 import unicodecsv data = [[u'American',u'美国人'], [u'Chinese',u'中国人']] with open('results.csv','wb') as f: w = unicodecsv.writer(f,encoding='utf-8-sig') w.writerows(data) 转载自简书

September 25, 2019 · 1 min · Egbert Ke